
Know us

In 2021, the Indian startup ecosystem witnessed record inflows of $65 billion in PE/VC
investments. Alternate investments are increasingly becoming an intergral constituent of portfolp allocation with india. 

In 2021, the Indian startup ecosystem witnessed record inflows of $65 billion in PE/VC
investments. Alternate investments are increasingly becoming an intergral constituent of portfolp allocation with india

In 2021, the Indian startup ecosystem witnessed record inflows of $65 billion in PE/VC
investments. Alternate investments are increasingly becoming an intergral constituent of portfolp allocation with india

About us

In 2021, the Indian startup ecosystem witnessed record inflows of $65 billion in PE/VC
investments. Alternate investments are increasingly becoming an intergral constituent of portfolp allocation with india. 

In 2021, the Indian startup ecosystem witnessed record inflows of $65 billion in PE/VC
investments. Alternate investments are increasingly becoming an intergral constituent of portfolp allocation with india

In 2021, the Indian startup ecosystem witnessed record inflows of $65 billion in PE/VC
investments. Alternate investments are increasingly becoming an intergral constituent of portfolp allocation with india

About us

“The ability to acquire knowledge without recourse to conscious reasoning.”

Yes, that is one way to look at it. The other way is a little complex, but we will break itdown for you.

Intuition does not fall in the realm of the “conscious” or the “subconscious” instead itis power that anyone can develop over time. When you focus on just one thing for aperiod of time you begin to develop a power. Many have associated this power withwisdom and insight. This natural process of deep realization is intuitive wisdom.

Albert Einstein, one of the greatest scientists in the world often say, “The intuitivemind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant.”

According to Psychology Today, the great physicist once told a friend, “All greatachievements of science must start from intuitive knowledge.

At times we feel certain that we are right while not knowing the reason.”

Hence we say , Intuitions – TRUST IT !!!!!

What is Intuition

What is Intuition

“The ability to acquire knowledge without recourse to conscious reasoning.”

Yes, that is one way to look at it. The other way is a little complex, but we will break itdown for you.

Intuition does not fall in the realm of the “conscious” or the “subconscious” instead itis power that anyone can develop over time. When you focus on just one thing for aperiod of time you begin to develop a power. Many have associated this power withwisdom and insight. This natural process of deep realization is intuitive wisdom.

Albert Einstein, one of the greatest scientists in the world often say, “The intuitivemind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant.”

According to Psychology Today, the great physicist once told a friend, “All greatachievements of science must start from intuitive knowledge.

At times we feel certain that we are right while not knowing the reason.”

Hence we say , Intuitions – TRUST IT !!!!!